Friday, May 30, 2008

The Promise

Eventually Martha came to know young Thom’s mother as a kind and gentle - though fragile person. When they were alone with the baby she seemed open and quite happy, but strangely enough that changed completely when in presence of any other person of the village. In fact, young Thom’s mother avoided going outside as much as possible. She would always claim to have too much work to do in the house.

Slowly some sunlight from the window behind young Thom illuminated the hands of Martha. Young Thom observed how the strong light revealed scared and scratched fingers. Why did his mother behave so strangely? As a young boy he had known her as an open and cheerful person. Why then this withdrawal from public life?
Outside the butcher’s house some footsteps could be heard. Martha stood up to look through the window and then quickly grabbed young Thom by his wrist and rushed him to the back of the house. As the two men entered, young Thom sneaked away through a backdoor.
That night he thought of his father leaving the village for the very last time. Wearing a soldier’s uniform he had placed his giant hands on the boy’s shoulders and promised him he’d return within a year. It was all the young lad could think of, but alas, a year later it was his own turn to leave. And he too promised to be back while waving goodbye to his mother. Young Thom turned over in his bed. Outside the window the moon was getting covered by clouds. To his mother he had failed the promise; to his sister he was bound to keep it.

Next : The Breakfast

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